854 English village(5分更新)

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 エピローグ

少女 リ(略) は 楽天家 ゲ(略) を占った。
現在の生存者は、楽天家 ゲ(略)、少年 ペ(略)、少女 リ(略)、行商人 ア(略)、パン屋 オ(略)の 5名
少女 リ(略) 2006/06/15 23:44:54 (1)
I beg your pan Otto
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:45:04 (2)
Wolf is very kind! Thank you!
行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:45:10 (3)
CO is next morning. not Co too.
パン屋 オ(略) 2006/06/15 23:45:15 (4)
>17 ya, i think so too.
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:45:31 (5)
hay, we're very happy!Aren't we?
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:45:41 (6)
I assume the wolf will be very very DOJIKKO!
パン屋 オ(略) 2006/06/15 23:46:03 (7)
nm, why wareworf didn't eat a man?
行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:46:06 (8)
werewolf's stomach is full?
thank you!
傍観者 Xiwong 2006/06/15 23:46:15 (+1)
haha. I hope I could find the village bofore starting...
行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:46:17 (*1)
oooo, forget
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:46:24 (9)
No, no!
I don't think so. JINROHs are our supper! aren't they?
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:46:34 (10)

行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:47:13 (11)
i'm NOT fortune!
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:47:31 (12)
You mistakes.

Jinro doesn't eat us.
We eat Jinrohs!
パン屋 オ(略) 2006/06/15 23:47:34 (13)
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:47:35 (14)
Wolf is very kind. Let's be kind, too. I suggest today is free hanging time.
少女 リ(略) 2006/06/15 23:47:50 (15)
Is werewolf vegitalian? HAHA!
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:02 (16)
I am a fortuner!
And I have a lot of fortune!HAHAHA!
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:13 (17)
I see, I see!

So, who?
行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:24 (18)
I'm not dojikko but meganekko.
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:28 (19)
So, you.
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:32 (20)

パン屋 オ(略) 2006/06/15 23:48:36 (21)
>12 i see. we can eat JINRO kebab tomorrow!
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:49:05 (22)
I'll hang Arbin with passion
楽天家 ゲ(略) 2006/06/15 23:49:07 (23)
That's sounds grate!
行商人 ア(略) 2006/06/15 23:49:09 (24)
Free Hanging Time!
F H T!
少女 リ(略) 2006/06/15 23:49:35 (25)
少年 ペ(略) 2006/06/15 23:49:45 (26)
No thank you! I am NOVA!